Best Career Advice Ever Received

Best Career Advice Ever Received

Update: 2024-07-02


During a recent lunch with interns, I shared the best career advice I ever received. Bob Davis, my mentor who hired me for my first job as a software programmer, imparted wisdom that has guided my career trajectory. Bob saw my potential and advised me to build more than technical skills. He moved me through various departments: IT, marketing, finance, and sales. Each rotation lasted six months, giving me insights into how different parts of the organization worked and how to communicate with non-technical people.

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Embrace the T-Shaped Career

This experience broadened my skills and led to a T-shaped career. It would be best to have depth in one area and a broad understanding across fields and industries. This approach has helped me in various roles, from advanced microprocessors to artificial intelligence and mobile technology. The best career advice involves gaining expertise in one area while seeking broad experiences. This method proved invaluable in my career success at Hewlett Packard and CableLabs, where I interact with diverse professionals worldwide.

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Avoid Frequent Job Hopping

The second best career advice I received was to avoid frequent job hopping. A long-term commitment to one company can provide valuable networks and growth opportunities. If offered a chance to gain new experiences, and you feel it would build out your “T,” say yes, even if you do not know how to do the job initially. Staying with one company long enough to gain in-depth experience and build strong relationships can offer a solid foundation for career growth.

Best Career Advice for Success

“True career success comes from mastering one discipline while cultivating a broad spectrum of knowledge and experiences. Depth gives you expertise, breadth gives you perspective, and together, they empower you to adapt, innovate, and lead.”

– Phil McKinney

  1. Gain Deep Expertise and Broad Experience: Focus on becoming an expert in one area while acquiring knowledge in various job functions and industries. This dual approach prepares you to communicate and solve problems effectively at all levels.

  2. Engage in Different Job Functions: By rotating through different departments, you can understand the inner workings of an organization and improve your ability to work with diverse teams.

  3. Stay Creative and Dedicated: Continuously look for ways to innovate and improve your field. Dedication to your craft and a willingness to learn will set you apart in any industry.

  4. Commit to Long-Term Goals: Avoid the temptation to switch jobs frequently. Instead, focus on building a career that allows for growth and development within one or a few organizations.

Building Your T-Shaped Career

To build a T-shaped career, follow these steps:

  • Seek Rotational Opportunities: Look for roles that offer the chance to work in various departments. This will help you gain a broad understanding of different functions within the company.

  • Pursue Cross-Disciplinary Projects: Engage in projects that require collaboration across different fields. This will enhance your ability to work with diverse teams and solve complex problems.

  • Invest in Continuous Learning: Take courses, attend workshops, and seek mentorship to deepen your expertise in your chosen field while expanding your knowledge base.

  • Network Within and Outside Your Industry: Building connections with professionals in various fields can provide insights and opportunities you might not encounter within your immediate circle.


The best career advice centers around developing depth and breadth in your expertise. Embrace a T-shaped career by seeking diverse experiences and committing to long-term goals. This approach will make you a versatile professional and prepare you to tackle challenges and seize opportunities in any industry.

If you have questions or need further career advice, please share them at Stay dedicated, keep learning, and pursue your career with passion and creativity. Cheers to your future success!


To learn more about career advice, listen to this week's show: Best Career Advice Ever Received.

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Best Career Advice Ever Received

Best Career Advice Ever Received

Phil McKinney