Best Practices for Managing Remote Teams with Steph Smith
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Christian Mccarrick:
[0:00 ] Good morning Steph welcome to the show.Steph Smith:
[0:04 ] Thanks for having me.Christian Mccarrick:
[0:06 ] Absolutely so Steph I’m super excited to have you on the show today and as I do with all of my guests if you could give a little bit of a
kind of a background of kind of where you got to be to where you are today in any of the may be kind of interesting stops along the way.Steph Smith:
[0:23 ] Sure so I actually came from a little bit of a different background than where I am now
I did a degree in chemical engineering and then pivoted and went into management consulting,
during that time. Of my life I realized that I really wanted to do something far different from that and then that’s really when I started to look for a remote work.
And luckily I tell which is the company that I’m working at now and have worked out for the last three years or so and I,
I entered top towel on the gross team and did that for a year-and-a-half almost two years really really enjoyed it help me really get my sweating and in the remote space understand it but a lot and some of that,
I guess in Tyro skills that I have.
Brought through with me to where I am now and then around a year ago I started leading the Publications team at pops out and I’ve been doing that again for the last year and I
beat a team of around 20 people and it’s been awesome and also my first experience leading a team and learning through that so,
now I’m here talking to you and yeah that’s a little bit about me.Christian Mccarrick:
[1:33 ] Excellent and I know so dove
The Importance of Being on both growth teams and being kind of the Publications and get