DiscoverYoga Birth BabiesBirth Story: Never Be Afraid to Ask for Help with Shing Yiing Ong
Birth Story: Never Be Afraid to Ask for Help with Shing Yiing Ong

Birth Story: Never Be Afraid to Ask for Help with Shing Yiing Ong

Update: 2024-10-30


There are countless reasons why I believe sharing and listening to birth stories is so valuable. One standout aspect is the many universal themes that emerge- whether between different births, throughout the journey from pregnancy to parenthood, or even within the individual birth stories themselves. While the societal conversation around birth can often evoke fear, a positive birth story has the power to shift that narrative.

Joining me today on Yoga | Birth | Babies for this conversation is Shing Yiing Ong. Shing is a Certified Comprehensive Pilates Instructor and founder of her own company, Body Balance Lifestyle, that specializes in creating fun and short workout for busy entrepreneurs and moms. She is now a new mom to a beautiful 6 month old baby girl!

In today’s birth story, you’ll hear Shing reflect on how her birth plan changed and how she not only moved through it, but came out feeling empowered about it. She also candidly discusses challenges that come with new parenthood- identity struggles, lack of freedom, baby blues, and hormonal changes. Shing’s experience captures the broad spectrum of parenthood, highlighting both the highs and the lows, each of which holds great significance.

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Birth Story: Never Be Afraid to Ask for Help with Shing Yiing Ong

Birth Story: Never Be Afraid to Ask for Help with Shing Yiing Ong

Deb Flashenberg and Independent Podcast Network

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