Black Dawn - Chapter 4: The Island of Ys
After Sand and the dragons leave the island, Turim soon discovers intruders outside his cabin and gives chase.
Armageddon TM and its characters and story are copyright Terry Tibke. All rights reserved.
Music & SFX
[Evolution] by Bensound, [A Beautiful Village] by David Fesliyan, [In Clouds] by X, [Echo of Visions] by X, [Orchestral_Conflict] by X
Free music for non-commercial use from
footsteps - gravel 01.wav by Anthousai, Twilight Ambience by revolt2563, creaky chair.wav by ryancacophony, Saber clang_04.wav by CGEffex, Click of a Motorcycle Helmet Visor by rylandbrooks, DRAGON_ROAR.wav by JoelAudio, dragonroar.wav by juryduty, Distant Roar.wav by iSaria, Owl Hoot by Breviceps, Imperius - Face Punch.wav by SoundFlakes, A Walk in the Forest - Promenade en foret.flac by micndom, Gentle Ocean Waves Mix (2018) by esh9419, Indian Ocean - Waves by tripplexis; creaking floor.wav by petewyer2; Deep Whoosh #2 by Kinoton ; Creature, Insect - Dragonfly, Caught in Net (Wing Movement).wav by jaegrover; Lightmetal_armor by mitchanary; tree-leaves-rustling.aif by Spleencast; Pebbles-3.flac by Seidhepriest; 05_Flint and steel.wav by 16FThumaF;