Bonus @ SDA Dimitri Reist

Bonus @ SDA Dimitri Reist

Update: 2023-10-18


(In french below)

For this second bonus archive recorded on location at the Swiss Design Awards (June 2023), we decided to talk to the designer Dimitri Reist, himself a nominee and winner in the "Research Design" category. As we visited his exhibition space and his installation entitled "The Music is the Making of the Music: An Ongoing Conversation about Design Practice Grounded in Coexistence", it was hard not to draw a connection between his work and ours. His research sheds light on essential questions that all designers should be asking themselves, but that are still taboo. Such as: how can we practice while being more "aware" of our surroundings? What is our relationship with work? What place do we give to informal exchanges? We come to discuss the notion of categories within the SDA, and how this has led us to question our design process and our positioning within the event itself... 

Pour cette deuxième archive bonus enregistrée sur place aux Swiss Design Awards (juin 2023), nous avons décidé de nous adresser au designer Dimitri Reist, lui -même nominé et gagnant dans la catégorie “Research Design”. En visitant son espace d'exposition et son installation intitulée “The Music is the Making of the Music: An Ongoing Conversation about Design Practice Grounded in Coexistence”, il nous a été difficile de ne pas faire un rapprochement entre son travail et le nôtre. Sa recherche met en lumière les questions essentielles que devraient se poser tous.x.tes designer.x.euses mais qui restent encore tabou. Tel que : comment pratiquer en étant plus “” de ce qui nous entoure? Quel est notre rapport au travail? Quelle place donnons-nous aux échanges informels? Nous en venons à discuter de la notion de catégories au sein des SDA, comment celle-ci nous a amené à questionner notre processus de design et notre positionnement au sein même de cette manifestation…  

Design sonore : @xbonaventurex  

Identité visuelle saison 2 : Constance Jacob & Ismaël Abdallah @ismael___abdallah  

Mix: @simshenrysound   

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

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Bonus @ SDA Dimitri Reist

Bonus @ SDA Dimitri Reist

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