Bourbon on the Rocks WAAM Radio Edition Jan-2-2022
Bourbon on the Rocks is here for the FIRST show in the brand new year of 2022. Duke is talking about these things right out of the gate.
Joe Biden on CHRISTmas Eve took the opportunity to chat with kiddies around the country about Santa's arrival. He surprisingly though made an admission about "Let's Go Brandon" and Duke has fun with the audio.
Former Nevada Senator Harry Ried passed away secure in the knowledge that Chuck Schumer was quickly becoming a bigger mess up as Majority Leader than Redi was. There is one thing Harry might long be remembered for and the host explains what that is.
Give the show a listen and send any comments questions and concerns to LaDuke You can also check out the live show every Mom-Wed-Fri at 10 a.m. EST on Bourbon on the Rocks Facebook page.