Breaking Down Human-Element Breaches To Improve Cybersecurity - Jinan Budge - BSW #387
Organizations continue to suffer from security breaches, too many of which contain a human element. But there’s no consistent definition of the risk posed by human-related breaches, and recommendations are often limited to security awareness and training (SA&T). Understanding the depth and breadth of human-related breaches is critical to implementing adequate security controls within organizations.
Jinan Budge, Research Director at Forrester, joins Business Security Weekly to discuss their Best Practice Report on Deconstructing Human-Element Breaches. Jinan will cover the breadth of human-related breaches, including:
- Social Engineering
- Human Error
- Loss/Theft of Physical Assets
- Social Media Compromise
- Insider Risk
- Deep Fake Scams
- Gen AI Misuse
- Narrative Attacks
and why Security and Awareness Training is not the sole answer to solving human-related breaches. Join us, this discuss may get a little dicey.
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In the leadership and communications segment, Smart cybersecurity spending and how CISOs can invest where it matters, Grading CISOs: Effective Metrics and Personal Growth Strategies, The Pandemic Proved that Remote Leadership Works, and more!
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