Breaking Down The Benefits Of Regenerative Wool With Caroline Priebe
The worsening microplastic solution is endangering not just the environment but human health as well. Caroline Priebe is here to present an effective alternative to make the clothing industry more sustainable: regenerative wool. Joining Corinna Bellizzi, she talks about the many benefits of ditching synthetic materials in favor of wool, which is not only good for the environment but also serves as timeless pieces of clothing. Caroline also discusses the most humane ways of harvesting wool, some sustainable fashion tips, and the best approaches to choosing a good business partner.
About Guest:
Caroline Priebe is the Founder and Designer of Driftless Goods an outdoor apparel brand for people who like nice things and would prefer not to wrap themselves in plastic. Given the challenges the apparel industry faces such as, microplastic pollution in our organs and oceans, growing emissions contributing to climate change and a waste crisis - she set out to design a brand that values both aesthetics and mitigates those impacts. She recently launched with a collection of plastic-free fleece outerwear made with regenerative wool with styles for the whole family.
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