Breastfeeding Challenges with Dr Justice Reilly
Update: 2024-03-18
In this episode, Suzanne speaks with Dr Justice Reilly, a specialist breast doctor and lactation consultant, about some of the challenges you may face while breastfeeding.
Listen to this podcast to find out:
- the function of colostrum
- how factors during the birth can affect birth weight
- that the weight of a baby is only one factor of assessing health
- variables that can delay a baby's return to their birth weight
- how type of delivery can affect a baby's ability to breastfeed
- about the "breast crawl"
- why babies suck their hands, and how that helps them to learn to breastfeed
- how to manage mastitis, some of the causes
- why mastitis incidences spike over the Christmas period
- why causes nipple damage and how to help it to heal
- working with an oversupply of milk
- how to manage a fast letdown
- using human milk banks for babies in the NICU
- how low breastfeeding rates are a systemic issue
- expectations, and how they can affect breastfeeding issues
Justice can be found at
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music by Shooglenifty with Dhun Dhora
The Mother Podcast is produced by Garry Finlayson and Suzanne Maier
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