Bruce Lipton (Repeat Broadcast)

Bruce Lipton (Repeat Broadcast)

Update: 2023-02-16


Dear Audience, 

Today’s episode is a repeat broadcast from our archive, the Best of Dawn of an Era of Well-Being. 

In this episode we will revisit our conversation with the spirited and often outspoken, Bruce Lipton. Our talk with Bruce was one of our most popular episodes and he certainly merits a replay. This conversation was originally released on March 1, 2022.

Tune in next week for the final episode of Season TWO of Dawn of an Era of Well-Being when we will feature a very special guest, Neale Donald Walsch. 

And stay tuned after that, Season THREE will be coming up soon!  


Today we are joined for a dynamic conversation with the noted biologist Bruce Lipton whose ground breaking work on the connection between science and spirituality has made him an important voice in the fields of new biology and epigenetics. Dr. Lipton will discuss some of his thoughts on how thoughts and emotional experiences impact the human organism on a cellular level. 

We will also consider the legacy of the human species’ tendency to regard itself as an entity outside of nature when it is imperative that we realize that we are nothing more than a part of the natural world, and that our connection to nature and the cosmos operates on a subatomic level. An understanding of this connection to each other and all of nature is in fact critical to our survival and the outbreak of COVID (like so many events in today’s current events) simultaneously serves as a symptom of our inability to come together as it creates new impediments.  

While this may seem like a grim outlook, Bruce Lipton remains firmly positive and places a great deal of hope in our establishing a New Paradigm to see us through these troubling times.

Apologies in advance for the noise that we experienced on our co-host Fred Tsao’s line during the interview.  

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and lecturer, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem cell research at Stanford University. He is the best-selling author of The Biology of Belief, Honeymoon Effect, and Spontaneous Evolution, co-authored with Steve Bhaerman. Bruce received the 2009 prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony.









Sleep Timer


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Bruce Lipton (Repeat Broadcast)

Bruce Lipton (Repeat Broadcast)

Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao