Bryant Meyers – Debunking The Myths Behind Low Intensity PEMF Therapy & How PEMF Can Improve Your Health!
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Bryant Meyers joined us on today’s show to talk about PEMF therapy and in particular the IMRS mat. We primarily talked about Low Level PEMF therapy and specifically debunking the myth of needing to use high level PEMF.
Some schools of thought think high intensity PEMF is the only way to go and low intensity PEMF isn’t powerful enough.
The low intensity PEMF people say exactly the opposite which is the perspective Bryant Meyers has in this conversation we had.
PEMF is pulsed electro-magnetic therapy and pulses the energy into your body.
Some of the benefits of PEMF include…
Reducing muscle tension
Improving circulation
Stimulating the immune system
Improving cell function
Helping the body to detoxify
Improving the uptake of nutrients
Improving sleep
Reducing stress
Balancing the endocrine system
Reducing inflammation
Regenerating tissues
Helps Arthritis
Promotes Cell Regeneration
Improves Circulation
Relieves the Symptoms of Depression
Decreases Diabetic Factors
Promotes Bone Healing
Helps With Migraines
Induces Nerve Repair
Can Help The Body Alleviate Pain
Increases the Range of Motion
I want to be clear here, the IMRS 2000 or any other PEMF device, can’t cure or do anything. They only bring the body into a place where it can find and do its own healing. The IMRS can’t cure disease and shouldn’t be used as such.
The IMRS is a wellness device designed to help you get healthier. This is our way of not making any health claims that it can cure or treat any disease.
In fact I use it every day to get healthier, not necessarily to overcome an illness. But if I did become sick, you better believe I’d be using the IMRS mat even more than I do now.
We’ve had ours for a little over a month now and I really really like it. I like investing my money into one time purchases of health tools for the future. I look at it almost like health insurance. It’s nice to turn your home into a place of health and healing.
Some ways I use the IMRS 2000 PEMF mat…
After workouts
Before bed
Upon waking up
And more!
I highly recommend doing some research and watching all the videos we have on the IMRS 2000 in our store.
I also use it in conjunction with our Rife machine, red light therapy and even our Chi Machine.
The IMRS 2000 is a tool I’m glad we have and I feel awesome when I use it every day.
I hope you enjoy the show!
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BARF World Raw Dog Food
ChiliPAD To Sleep COLD
The Relax FAR Infrared Sauna
The Bellicon Rebounder
Qigong Moving Meditation Course
Show Notes
James L. Oschman, PhD
Heart Math Institute
Ken Wilbur
Paul Bando cancer imrs
The Rainbow and the Worm Mae Won HO
The Practice of Magnetic Field Therapy
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The Biomat
Show Guest:
Bryant Meyers
Guest Info:
Bryant Meyers (B.S., M.A. Physics) is a bestselling author and leading expert in the field of Energy Medicine and PEMF Therapy. Bryant is a former TV show host and former Physics/Math Professor at Central Michigan. For over 18 years Bryant has researched, tested, tried, and investigated over $500,000 worth of energy medicine, studying with many of the world’s experts. He has personally helped thousands of people with energy medicine and PEMF therapy devices to achieve pain relief, better sleep, and overall better health. Bryant currently lives in Sarasota Florida, near the beautiful Siesta Key Beach (rated #1 beach in the U.S.).
Show Topic:
Pulsed electromagnetic therapy (PEMF)
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The post Bryant Meyers – Debunking The Myths Behind Low Intensity PEMF Therapy & How