DiscoverCore ConversationsBuilding Codes Cost. But What is Resiliency Actually Worth?
Building Codes Cost. But What is Resiliency Actually Worth?

Building Codes Cost. But What is Resiliency Actually Worth?

Update: 2024-06-12


As the frequency and severity of natural catastrophes intensify, the need to strengthen the resiliency of communities against these perils is increasingly urgent. Building codes are a critical tool in this endeavor. However, their adoption and enforcement vary significantly across states. A recent report from the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) underscores the lack of uniformity in building code implementation among states vulnerable to hurricanes.

While some states, like Florida, have stringent codes that help to reinforce home resilience, other states like Texas grapple with disparities in code adoption, amplifying vulnerability to hurricane-related damages.

This divergent approach to building codes has far-reaching implications for disaster preparedness and response.

With the arrival of the 2024 hurricane season, understanding the intersection between building codes, community resilience, and climate change is key for entities developing mitigation strategies anchored in resilience.

To talk about the importance of building codes, address concerns regarding up-front costs versus long-term benefits, and discuss the success of stronger structures in weathering storms, Host Maiclaire Bolton Smith is joined by CoreLogic's Director of Catastrophe Response, Jon Schneyer.

In This Episode:

2:41Why are building codes so important, and how can older buildings be retrofitted to code?

6:18Examining one of the most famous examples of building codes in action.

8:04Erika Stanley goes over the numbers in the housing market in The Sip.

9:14Looking at the differences between Texas and Florida building codes, according to the IBHS report.

11:21Is mitigation through building codes a financially sound investment?

14:36Erika Stanley reviews natural catastrophes and extreme weather events across the world.

15:41What could the inconsistent use of building codes in Texas mean if a strong hurricane hits the state this year?

17:52How is hurricane risk developing, and how can you understand your risk?

Up Next: SEC Climate Disclosure Guidance Timeline Pause: Why Companies Benefit


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Building Codes Cost. But What is Resiliency Actually Worth?

Building Codes Cost. But What is Resiliency Actually Worth?
