Career Job Development Graduation Trailer

Career Job Development Graduation Trailer

Update: 2024-05-20


Welcome Students to the end of the fourth quarter Spring term activities at Spoken Wordplay Podcast Community. I am your head instructor Ms.Tonya Michelle Wilkerson speaking from the heart with a motivational message. I would like to say, "Congratulations to the Graduation Class of 2024! for not giving up going after your dreams, even through you may have failed from time-to-time but you kept on believing in yourself and you stayed consistent towards acheiving your educational and career goals." Students, as you are listening to the commencement speeches on your graduation day, I want you to walk proudly across the stage when receiving your high school diplomas, certificates, undergraduate and graduate college degrees with honors. Students, if you are still searching to find your true purpose and passion in life, I want you to

  1. Start taking ownership over your life by dreaming big
  2. Learning how to meditate properly so you can become at one with yourself
  3. Stay focus on creating your own reality by visualizing and drawing what you see yourself doing in the next 5 years
  4. Creating a photo book of the things you would love to have in the near future
  5. Writing down your ideas by keeping a journal of your best creative content
  6. Pray to God to help you build up your spiritual faith to ask for protection & guidance over your life
  7. Give thanks for what you already have and what you are about to receive
  8. Self-talk in the mirror by verbally speaking aloud positive words of encouragement to one-self

like " I love myself ", " I am enough and worthy of all things & "Everything I do will go well" Students, always remember to say these positive words of encouragement every single day to help you feel better about yourself and to "GET BACK YOUR POWER!" I believe students as you are praying to build up your spiritual faith, ask for guidance to help you find your true purpose and passion in life and once your've been revealed to your true self, use it towards making a difference by being of service to others within your community and around the world. Students, I would like to share with you positive Career Development Affirmations to say to oneself in the mirror. If you want to listen and download the full bonus episode called "Career Affirmations and Meditation" to experience mindfulness deep breathing exercises, speaking from the heart repeating positive I Am affirmations repetitions and listening to 8 to10 HZ Alpha brainwaves relaxing meditation music. Go to Apple Podcast and subscribe to Spoken Wordplay Podcast " Daily I Am Affirmations" Diamond VIP Plan for 5.99 per month and $20 year to gain Early Access to Episodes, Subscriber-only and Ad-free Episodes right from your own computers, Smart TV's and mobile devices. I give thanks to the panalist and Founder of Feedspot for selecting "Spoken Wordplay Podcast Community " Daily I Am Affirmations" with Relaxing Meditation & Study Music " to be named one of the Top 90 Affirmations Podcast on the web so follow my podcast on Check out Teachers Pay Teachers- (School's Resource Website) ⁠⁠Spoken Wordplay Community Store⁠⁠ and get the license to download Season 1 and 2 Full Podcast Episodes for only $5.00.

I would like to give recogition to lozenzobuczek for creating this graduation royalty free background music downloaded from Pixabay website called " Land of Hope and Glory"

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.









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End of Episode

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Career Job Development Graduation Trailer

Career Job Development Graduation Trailer