Change Your State, Change Your Story

Change Your State, Change Your Story

Update: 2024-08-14


Come to my most recent College of Psychic Studies Workshop here: https://www.collegeofpsychicstudies.c...


Changing your state is about taking control of your mental and emotional well-being to create the life you desire. Your state—how you think and feel—directly influences the reality you experience. By consciously shifting your state, you can align yourself with the outcomes you want to manifest. This shift isn’t just about thinking positively; it’s about deeply embodying the emotions and mindset of the person who already has what you seek.


One of the most effective ways to change your state is through visualization. Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself living the life you desire. See it in as much detail as possible, but more importantly, feel it. Feel the joy, peace, and satisfaction of having achieved your goals. This emotional engagement is key because your subconscious mind responds to feelings, not just thoughts. By consistently practicing this, you train your mind and body to align with this new state, making it your reality.


In addition to visualization, your mental diet plays a crucial role in maintaining your new state. Be mindful of the thoughts you entertain daily. Replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones and use affirmations to reinforce your new mindset. For example, instead of thinking, "I’ll never have enough," shift to "I am worthy of abundance, and it flows to me effortlessly." Over time, these small shifts create a powerful change in your overall state, leading to a transformed life where your desires naturally manifest.


In this video, I’ll guide you through the transformative power of changing your state to manifest the life you desire. Drawing from the principles in my book, From Imagination to Reality: Secret Manifestation Lessons and the Law of Assumption from Abdullah, Master Alchemist, you'll discover how shifting your mental and emotional state can change your reality.


🔑 What You’ll Learn:


Changing Your State: Understand how your mental and emotional state shapes your experiences and outcomes.

Manifesting Your Desires: Learn practical steps to shift your state and align yourself with the life you want to create.

🌟 Upcoming Workshop: Manifesting Magic: Mastering the Law of Assumption 🌟


Dates: Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th August 2024

Format: Online Workshop

Level: Open to all

In this two-day workshop, we'll dive deeper into manifesting principles, helping you align your vibration with your desires to create a life filled with abundance, joy, and purpose. Book your spot now to transform your life!


Link to Register: https://www.collegeofpsychicstudies.c...










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Change Your State, Change Your Story

Change Your State, Change Your Story

Abiola Abrams