Chapter 202
For this episode we invited our Gaming Correspondent, Scott (@FKASocks), to help us launch a new energy drink based gaming news channel. Somehow this turned into a lesbian ultimatum and a lot of talk about gooning.
Notes: Lesbian Ultimatum, GFourl, Stab Stimulant, Doug’s First Non-Woke Game, A Quiet Place: Roadhead, The Crow Goon Jacket, Traitorous Fat Man, Viziers and Eunuchs, Dookie Dash: Unclogged, 9/11 Suspension Bridge Effect, Tim Burpin’ Presents Drinkingjuice Drinkingjuice - The DemoniCoke Freakstyle Drink ReBOO 0% Juice is Loose in 666 Sips, Blowhole Blast, Gru’s Pineapple Lifestyle, Unperforated Pizza, Alan Ruins Everything, Minion Blasted Popcorn, Theater Pizza, Woke Tuah, Five Nights at Chao Garden, Shadow is not Vegeta, Menage au Gex