DiscoverThe Charlie Kirk ShowCharlie and Vivek's Tag-Team Q&A at UNC Chapel Hill
Charlie and Vivek's Tag-Team Q&A at UNC Chapel Hill

Charlie and Vivek's Tag-Team Q&A at UNC Chapel Hill

Update: 2024-10-252


This podcast features a lively discussion between Charlie Kirk and Vivek Ramaswamy at a UNC-Chapel Hill event, exploring a range of issues relevant to young Americans. The conversation begins with an emphasis on the importance of voting in the upcoming election, highlighting the need to preserve the American dream. The discussion then delves into various topics, including the Electoral College, immigration policy, the fertility crisis, the rising cost of college, and the value of humanities majors. The speakers address concerns about foreign lobbying, the upcoming gubernatorial election in North Carolina, and the role of home ownership in building equity and community. The conversation also touches on monetary policy, the gold standard, and the Federal Reserve, advocating for a more stable and responsible economic system. Throughout the discussion, Charlie Kirk and Vivek Ramaswamy express their views on a range of issues, including the importance of merit-based immigration, the need for cultural change to address declining fertility rates, and the value of a strong national defense. They also engage with audience members on topics such as abortion, climate change, and the changing job market. The podcast concludes with a call to action, urging young people to take an active role in shaping the future of the country.


Introduction and Welcome

The podcast begins with an introduction by Charlie Kirk and Vivek Ramaswamy, who are hosting an event at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. They welcome the audience and encourage them to engage in the dialogue.

The Importance of Voting and the American Dream

Charlie Kirk emphasizes the importance of voting in the upcoming election, highlighting the need to save the country from the current political climate. He argues that the American dream is under threat and that young people need to take action to restore it.

Q&A Session: Electoral College, Immigration, and Other Issues

The podcast transitions into a Q&A session, with audience members asking questions about various topics. The discussion covers the Electoral College, immigration, the fertility crisis, college costs, the value of humanities majors, high taxes in Scandinavian countries, foreign lobbying, the North Carolina gubernatorial race, and Trump's immigration policy.

Pro-Life Movement and Abortion Debate

Charlie Kirk promotes Pre-Born, a pro-life organization, and engages in a heated debate with an audience member about abortion. He reiterates his pro-life stance, arguing that abortion is murder and that human life begins at conception.

Climate Change and Environmental Agenda

An audience member expresses concern about climate change and asks about Charlie Kirk's stance on the issue. Charlie Kirk argues that climate change is not a top priority for Americans and that the environmental agenda is often driven by political motives rather than scientific evidence.

Emergency Preparedness and My Patriot Supply

The podcast includes a brief advertisement for My Patriot Supply, a company that sells emergency food kits and other preparedness supplies.

The Value of College Connections and the Changing Job Market

An audience member defends the value of college connections and argues that they are essential for career success. Charlie Kirk challenges this view, arguing that the job market is changing rapidly and that traditional college degrees are becoming less valuable.

Home Ownership and the American Dream

The podcast concludes with a discussion about the importance of home ownership in the American dream. Vivek Ramaswamy emphasizes the psychological and social benefits of home ownership, arguing that it fosters a sense of community and stability.

Monetary Policy, Gold Standard, and the Federal Reserve

This segment delves into concerns about monetary policy and deficit spending, advocating for a system where the US dollar is backed by gold or other hard assets. It criticizes the Federal Reserve's policies and calls for a significant downsizing of the federal government bureaucracy.


Merit-based immigration

A system of immigration that prioritizes individuals with skills, education, and qualifications that benefit the receiving country. This approach aims to attract highly skilled workers and entrepreneurs who contribute to economic growth and innovation.

Electoral College

A system used in the United States to elect the president. Each state is allocated a certain number of electoral votes based on its population. The candidate who wins the majority of electoral votes in a state wins all of that state's electoral votes.

Fertility Crisis

A decline in birth rates below the replacement level, leading to a shrinking population. This trend poses challenges for economic growth, social stability, and the long-term sustainability of a nation.

Trump University

A for-profit educational institution founded by Donald Trump that offered real estate and business courses. It was accused of fraudulent practices and ultimately settled a class-action lawsuit for $25 million.

Humanities Majors

Academic disciplines that focus on the study of human culture, history, language, and the arts. Examples include literature, history, philosophy, and languages.

Scandinavian Model

A social welfare model prevalent in Scandinavian countries characterized by high taxes, generous social benefits, and a strong emphasis on social equality.


The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a powerful pro-Israel lobbying group that advocates for strong US-Israel relations and supports policies favorable to Israel.

Home Ownership

The act of owning a residential property, providing a sense of stability, equity building, and community involvement.


A sense of belonging and connection to a place, community, or family, fostering a sense of responsibility and investment in one's surroundings.


  • What is your stance on the Electoral College?

    Charlie Kirk and Vivek Ramaswamy defend the Electoral College, arguing that it protects the interests of smaller states and ensures that candidates must appeal to a diverse range of voters.

  • What is your view on immigration policy?

    Vivek Ramaswamy advocates for merit-based immigration and a more secure border, arguing that the current system is broken and needs to be reformed.

  • What is the solution to the declining fertility rates in the United States?

    Charlie Kirk and Vivek Ramaswamy believe that cultural change is essential to address the fertility crisis, emphasizing the need to promote family values and create a more supportive environment for raising children.

  • Why are you supporting Donald Trump for president?

    Charlie Kirk and Vivek Ramaswamy support Donald Trump because they believe he is the best candidate to restore the American dream, address the economic challenges facing the country, and protect American sovereignty.

  • What is your stance on abortion?

    Charlie Kirk is a strong advocate for the pro-life movement, believing that abortion is murder and that human life begins at conception.

  • What is your view on climate change?

    Charlie Kirk argues that climate change is not a top priority for Americans and that the environmental agenda is often driven by political motives rather than scientific evidence. He believes that the focus should be on clean air and clean water, rather than on policies that restrict energy production.

  • Why is home ownership important for individuals and communities?

    Home ownership provides a sense of grounding, builds equity, and encourages investment in one's community. It fosters a sense of responsibility and belonging, contributing to a more stable and engaged society.

  • What are the concerns regarding the current monetary policy and the Federal Reserve?

    The speaker expresses concerns about the Federal Reserve's policies, arguing that they have contributed to inflation and hindered wage growth. They advocate for a system where the US dollar is backed by gold or other hard assets to stabilize the currency and prevent excessive inflation.

  • What is the speaker's proposed solution to the problems with the Federal Reserve and the government bureaucracy?

    The speaker advocates for a significant downsizing of the federal government bureaucracy, arguing that it is inefficient and wasteful. They believe that a smaller, more focused government would be more effective and responsive to the needs of the people.

Show Notes

Charlie and Vivek Ramaswamy teamed up at the University of North Carolina to field questions from the audience. They answer queries like:


-Are Scandinavian countries a workable model for America?

-What's the right immigration policy for America?

-Are we on the brink of climate catastrophe?

-Does AIPAC have too much power over the U.S.?

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Charlie and Vivek's Tag-Team Q&A at UNC Chapel Hill

Charlie and Vivek's Tag-Team Q&A at UNC Chapel Hill

Charlie Kirk