Chelsie Ward- Importance of Sleep

Chelsie Ward- Importance of Sleep

Update: 2022-02-16


I’ll never forget when I was about ten years old and my grandmother looked at me one day and said, “child, you get everything that comes down this family line.” 

What was she talking about?

Blood sugar issues, inability to pay attention, gas, bloating, constipation, and nausea after meals. My doctors labeled these symptoms as IBS, hypoglycemia, and ADD. 

The older I got, the more diagnoses I received. In college, it was anxiety, depression, hypothyroidism, and then came the dreaded perimenopause at age 27. 

My migraines would sometimes last a month with no relief. Chronic fatigue would land me on the couch daily for a nap. I suffered from sugar addiction, hair loss, stuttered speech, foggy thinking, poor memory and concentration, chronic pain, acne, and metabolism issues. 

This list kept growing year after year with no end in sight. My cry for help was LOUD! I tried everything I knew. I met with doctors and specialists and even hired functional medicine doctors to help. I filled my sack full of prescriptions each month, but I wasn’t getting well. 

As a nurse, I realized that I was just like my patients – being told that medication and surgery was the way out. I was told I would have to live with it. That’s not an answer I was willing to accept. 

One day it clicked. I thought, “what if there’s a better way?” 

I began to study how food is medicine and how our bodies were created to heal themselves. I realized that when we give the body what it needs, it will give us what we want in return. I needed a strategic plan to help me heal, using what God provided. 

We don’t heal many times, because we don’t address the root of our health issues. We look at a physical symptom as that – a symptom. We don’t take into account that the cause may be something mental, emotional, or even spiritual. There is such a disconnect. 

I tried to partner with others in the natural health space and learned quickly that I needed a different approach than what these doctors had to offer. 

It was challenging to find someone who would look at me as a whole person, from a mind-body-spirit approach. I don’t think I even realized that’s what I needed at the time. So I went on a mission to study everything I could to address these health challenges myself. 

I was already a nurse with a degree in psychology. So I went on to study health from a natural perspective and was certified in functional medicine and functional diagnostic nutrition. I also studied the spiritual and emotional components through energy medicine and was ordained as a healing minister, using the power of prayer. This all-encompassing approach was life-changing for me personally. 

I felt so much joy and energy some days that I could hardly contain myself. I had never had that in my 30 years prior.

I remember thinking, “this is how we all should feel all the time.” How could this simple approach to health be hiding from so many people? 

We are misinformed. We don’t have to expect illness as we age. It’s simply a choice when we know what to do. The problem is, how do we learn these techniques if they aren’t being taught?

I never intended to share this story. I did it because I saw so many others who desperately longed for the answers I had. As I looked around, I saw the energy depleted faces that I once knew so well. I knew I had to share this information with others. It was my gift back to a world of hurting people. It wasn’t fair to keep this knowledge to myself. 

I wrote my story in a book called Healed His Way and filled it with as many resources as possible. To my surprise, it hit the Amazon Bestseller List! My next steps became clear – I had to create a program to help others get their life back. 









Sleep Timer


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Chelsie Ward- Importance of Sleep

Chelsie Ward- Importance of Sleep

Colton Cockerell & Trisha Stetzel and Chelsie Ward