Chosen in Love - introduction
GraceAnna joined me on this week's podcast to talk about our upcoming September season of Woman's Life at Community Bible Church. Three of my girls - GraceAnna, Maureen, and Chesed - will be coming to Beaufort individually to teach the sessions from a study they co-authored on a woman's identity in Christ titled "Chosen in Love."
I asked GraceAnna questions like "When did you first start thinking about writing the study? How did it come about? What was it like as you taught it with the girls at your church? How did you work it out with your sisters-in-law? How has God used it already in your own life and in your girls' lives?"
Here is the link to the podcast with Audrey Kate and evangeline:
I hope this week's podcast will encourage you! If you are local, please come this fall. If you are not local, you can live stream or watch/listen later at:
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