Christine A. Smith: Aging Enthusiast
Christine A. Smith has served for years as an in-home care-giver, observing hundreds of successes for thousands of interactions with clients. Again and again, loved ones confided "no one prepares you for this emotionally." They wondered aloud "who will take care of me when it's my turn?"
You deserve to be informed. Christine A. Smith authored the complete PreAct Your Age Journal: Teacher Edition with Answer Keys. You get the answers. She compiled 52 commonly experienced issues of later life. These typical challenges cause emotional reactions that impact our interactions.
Christine hosts the Aging Better Network website as your resource for alternatives and insights. The newsletter has emotional support and relationship advice. There are live and recorded interviews with personal stories. Lists of links to researched information and helpful organizations appear on the ABN. PreActOvations! are your brain/body involvements. Plus LIVE on-screen with Christine events.
You are in for a treat as Christine shares her deep wisdom and insights on:
-the current state of aging and its future
-her wonderful stories of care-giving
-how men can be great care-givers too
-the best ways to network
-advice she gives to would-be care-givers
-how to find a great care-giver
-vital life lessons
-book recommendations
-and more
Put this "Center of Influence" in your network. Please connect with Tina at:
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