Christmas Advent 2024 - Day 13
It’s Advent Time!
Last year we kicked and screamed as we chose which Christmas tradition we would keep or bin. This year, we’re trying something a little different. Join us every day through Advent, choosing a Christmas UK number 1 (1984-2010) and making them fight for the right to be the top song.
Social Details
Find us on Twitter, Instagram, Threads, BlueSky and TikTok with @_Channel84 and @_UntitledTrek.
Facebook you can find us with Studio:Channel84.
We are part of the Studio:Channel84 network and are featured on their site
Finally, why not e-mail us:
TJ mailto://
Rob mailto://
Both Hosts mailto://
Intro created by the amazing Ryan at Geeky Brummie
The Annoying Hash Tags
#Christmas #Advent #2024 #East17 #WestLife #BandAid #SpiceGirls #80s #90s #00s #BandAidII #BandAid20 #CliffRichard #Cliff #MistletoeandWine #DoTheyKnowitsChristmastime #MerryChristmasEveryone #ShakinStevens #AdventCalender #Ashens #NerdCubed