Closing the Racial Wealth Gap by Disrupting Corporate Culture
Forest Harper, CEO of INROADS, joins Dr. Vanessa Weaver to speak about closing the racial wealth gap in America by disrupting standard practices of the corporate culture.
In this Episode
· Forest Harper’s beginnings in social justice and DEI work, along with his role as the Chief Executive Officer of INROADS
· Corporate America’s commitment to eliminating racial bias in the wake of the death of George Floyd, and how CEOs disrupt corporate culture to advance racial equality and justice in their companies
· How INROADS’ starts with high school students across the country and prepares them through college for jobs in Corporate America
· Study reveals Black and Brown INROADS alumni outperform their white peers, and
· What companies that haven’t acted on closing the racial wealth gap can do
· Despite Some Back Pedaling on DEI Commitments, INROADS CEO Forest Harper Believes Corporate America is Still on the Right Track
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