DiscoverX22 ReportClouds Rolling In, Darkest Days, Red October, Time To Unite The Country – Ep. 3432
Clouds Rolling In, Darkest Days, Red October, Time To Unite The Country – Ep. 3432

Clouds Rolling In, Darkest Days, Red October, Time To Unite The Country – Ep. 3432

Update: 2024-08-23


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The climate scientist are confused, they do not understand why the planet is not heating up they way it's suppose to. Revisions and lying are now the new normal for the D's. The [CB] has now signaled that everything is about to change to support the D party. They will use the fake data to cut the rate in September. The [DS] is panicking, they got [KH] as the nominee but now their entire agenda is falling apart, they will need to make a change, if they keep her in they will lose all voters. The economic system is imploding, will we see a red October. RFK Jr endorses Trump and hopes he will be included in the administration to combat Big Pharma, and drain the swamp. Time to unite the country.


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The Atlantic Ocean is Cooling at Record Speed and Climate Hoaxers Are Absolutely Baffled!

The Atlantic Ocean is now cooling at a record speed, leading climate alarmists absolutely baffled.
While temperatures in the ocean were recently reaching record highs, that trend has gone into reverse over the past year, confusing scientists and those warning about an impending global catastrophe.

The New Scientist explains:


Harris radio silent on $5 trillion in tax hikes she reportedly backs 

Vice President Kamala Harris has not spoken publicly about her reported embrace of President Joe Biden’s $5 trillion tax plan, which includes the controversial measure of taxing the unrealized capital gains of the nation’s wealthiest.

With no fanfare or announcement, the Harris campaign signaled that she supports the proposed tax increases that were part of Biden’s 2025 budget proposal this week. The ambitious tax increases, if passed, would mark a major change in U.S. tax policy, but Harris, whom Republicans have worked to tie to the more unpopular Biden, has not discussed the tax agenda.


Kamala Harris Goes Full Globalist at DNC, Attacks Trump’s Populist Tariffs

Vice President Kamala Harris attacked the idea of placing United States tariffs on foreign imports to favor domestic producers during her speech at the Democrat National Convention (DNC).
“And all the while, he intends to enact what is in effect a national sales tax — call it a ‘Trump tax’ — that would raise prices on middle class families by almost $4,000 a year,” Harris said.

Harris’s attacks on U.S. tariffs also come with a high risk as leading Democrats in Congress such as Sens. Gary Peters (D-MI) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), as well as labor unions and many Democrat voters, support some of Trump’s tariffs that have been left in place by President Joe Biden and want a future president to expand those tariffs.


The United Auto Workers (UAW), for instance, is hoping to get U.S. tariffs increased on foreign cars to protect American auto jobs and wages.
A recent YouGov poll found that almost 6-in-10 Democrat voters want current U.S. tariffs kept in place or increased altogether.


Trump said he was going to use Tariffs to fund the government, Mckinley did it. Using tariffs we do not need the CB

So if everything that Trump did is so bad, tariffs, tax cuts, reworking the trade deals, reverse it all just like they did the border. The reason they cannot because everyone would notice, it would effect everyone immediately.
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Clouds Rolling In, Darkest Days, Red October, Time To Unite The Country – Ep. 3432

Clouds Rolling In, Darkest Days, Red October, Time To Unite The Country – Ep. 3432

X22 Report