Cocaine Bear Review on Sweet Dreams A.M. LIVE! Episode 10
Cocaine Bear is a movie that was absurd to think that they actually made a movie about a real event where a bear did some cocaine. The bear did later die but the movie simply grabs a real event and plays with ideas on what could have happened. A movie that was seen as a fun but dumb movie but many were convinced that this would be a fun movie. Will Oscar be going to have some fun when watching and reviewing the film? Oscar and Tinsley will be approaching this movie with the hopes that it is entertaining and fun. A cast that would prove to be stellar and have so much potential, what will Oscar think of the cast. Oscar and Tinsley will review this film and see whether it is a fun movie to watch. This is the tenth episode of Sweet Dreams A.M. LIVE! reviewing the Cocaine Bear movie.
Music Used:
Neon Breeze - Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio (
Floating - Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio (
Diamond Eye - Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio (