DiscoverAce the Sales - Simplifying Selling for Women EntrepreneursConversations come before conversions - Udit Goenka
Conversations come before conversions - Udit Goenka

Conversations come before conversions - Udit Goenka

Update: 2022-10-19


This week’s Ace The Sales drop is an exceptional one as the host Roshni Baronia sits across a versatile entrepreneur to bring a male’s perspective to selling …and guess what, he admits with pride - he loves selling!

So that’s something we got to reel into, isn’t it? 

We have on our show today Udit Goenka who brings beautiful insights and stories on how he built his startups, got to love selling, and the nuggets that can help you to do the same.

Some of the things we touched upon with Udit are:

  • The right approach to start a sales conversation with anyone
  • Tips for developing patience and perseverance as you nurture a prospect for a long period of time
  • Outreach strategies to connect with your ideal client
  • Tips for aspiring entrepreneurs on building a startup 

Check out the episode to learn more…

About the Guest:

Udit Goenka started his career as a self-taught graphic designer at 16 and at 18 launched his first product around WordPress security, which did wonders for him to understand the power of financial freedom.

After being an integral part of two successful start-ups, his life changed when he launched his third startup, which failed miserably and changed his whole life, teaching him some valuable life lessons which included management, team hiring, and more.

This failure fuelled the idea of PitchGround -his most successful startup to date, currently valued at $20m as of 2022. PitchGround is a SaaS Marketplace that bridges the gap between early-stage SaaS companies and early adopters and small-medium-sized businesses. His proud moment was that PitchGround has done over $5m in sales as a bootstrapped company. He has recently re-launched, an email outreach tool. 

In 2021, he started as an Angel Investor, and so far, has invested in 20 start-ups. Udit mentors some of them as a  give back to the community.

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Conversations come before conversions - Udit Goenka

Conversations come before conversions - Udit Goenka

Roshni Baronia - Strategic Sales Expert, Entrepreneur