Coping with Watch and Wait and the Delay in Starting Treatment for CLL
It is estimated that between 75% and 95% of people diagnosed with CLL do not immediately start treatment. Instead, they follow the standard of care approach known as Active Observation, also called Watch and Wait, Watch and Worry, or Active Surveillance. When receiving a diagnosis of cancer, it can be confusing and a source of anxiety to hear that you will not be given treatment right away. This is where the emotional rollercoaster with CLL begins for many patients.
In this episode, Dr. Brian Koffman is joined by guest Rick Conner, who has been on Active Observation since receiving his CLL diagnosis in 2015. Rick discusses the emotions that arose from Watch and Wait and shares advice for fellow patients on how to make the most of this time. He also highlights various resources from CLL Society that have been helpful on his journey.