Coup(e) boys
If you were thinking we would be talking about a group of young french men who entertain us with their version of dancing and struts on social media, we are sorry to disappoint you. We will be talking about another fascinating topic instead, Coup d'etats!
What do you know about Coup d'etats? Are coups things only a thing of the past in African history? When you think about coups, do you think of extreme, violent events? What does it mean for a country when a Coup happens? We are going to be answering these question and more in this episode. We will be covering coups that have happened on the Africa continent in countries including Mali, Guinea Bissau, Chad, Tunisia and Sudan in the last two years. We will discuss:
- Details of the coups in these countries
- General concepts of coups and why they occur
- Common myths about coups
- What to do to move forward with an African future with fewer or no coups
Click here to check out our previous episode about the 2021 Chad Coup
Join in on this conversation with us: Why do you think so many Coups have happened in the past 2 years? Do you think these Coups could have been avoided? Do you think they were/are necessary? Will these coups be contagious throughout the rest of Africa?
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