Creating a One Page Marketing Plan
Welcome to the Change the World podcast. I’ve been talking to a lot of people in our community lately who have told me they don’t have a documented marketing plan.
When I ask why, it seems that it is just one of those things you never quite find the time to create.
If you fit into that category, I thought you’d benefit from a really simple planning tool - the 1 Page Marketing Plan.
What I want you to do now, is sit down and create your own 1 Page Marketing plan. Grab a piece of paper or a whiteboard and divide the space up into 8 quadrants.
On that page on want you to put the following headers in each section:
My goal from this marketing plan is….
My target market is…
The message my target market needs to hear is…
Where I am going to reach my market…
I’m going to capture leads by….
I am going to build trust with my leads by….
I’m going to convert my leads to this outcome…
I am going to measure my success with…
Listen to the episode for more details on how to bring your plan to life.