DiscoverProperty Management Growth with DoorGrowDGS 255: Coming Back From DoorGrow Live: The Ultimate Event for Property Managers
DGS 255: Coming Back From DoorGrow Live: The Ultimate Event for Property Managers

DGS 255: Coming Back From DoorGrow Live: The Ultimate Event for Property Managers

Update: 2024-07-05


In May, we had our annual DoorGrow Live event! What makes DoorGrow Live different from other property management conferences?

In today’s episode, property management growth experts Jason and Sarah Hull talk about our most recent DoorGrow Live conference and some of the topics discussed.

You’ll Learn

[01:12 ] What was different about this year’s DoorGrow Live?

[04:48 ] Tactics vs. Mindset

[06:41 ] Changing the order of your priorities

[10:17 ] Hard choices, easy life


“Tactics and the how can always be figured out.”

“It's not really the tactics that are the problem. It's almost always the mindset.”

“The hard choice is to not go for what you immediately want, but to reorder and prioritize some things that are more relevant to the long term.”

“If you don't like the results, then it's probably because your priorities are not in the right order.”


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[00:00:00 ] Jason: If you don't like the results, then it's probably because your priorities are not in the right order. 

[00:00:08 ] Welcome DoorGrow property managers to the DoorGrow show. If you are a property management entrepreneur that wants to add doors, make a difference, increase revenue, help others, impact lives, and you are interested in growing in business and life, and you're open to doing things a bit differently, then you are a DoorGrow property manager. DoorGrow property managers love the opportunities, daily variety, unique challenges, and freedom that property management brings. Many in real estate think you're crazy for doing it. You think they're crazy for not because you realize that property management is the ultimate, high trust gateway to real estate deals, relationships, and residual income. At DoorGrow, we are on a mission to transform property management business owners and their businesses.

[00:00:53 ] We want to transform the industry, eliminate the BS, build awareness, change perception, expand the market, and help the best property management entrepreneurs win. We're your hosts, property management growth experts, Jason and Sarah Hall, the owners of DoorGrow. Now let's get into the show. Okay. 

[00:01:12 ] And so what we're going to be talking about today is we just had DoorGrow Live and DoorGrow Live was a success. It was a lot of fun and it was a little bit different this year. So how would you say it was different this year, Sarah? 

[00:01:27 ] Sarah: So I think a lot of people were saying, "Hey, it feels like there was really just a lot of heart that went into this event."

[00:01:35 ] So usually when I think you and I run events, we're very tactical. How do you do this? How do you do that? And let's share this strategy and let's talk about this thing. And this year we changed things up a little bit and you were maybe a little hesitant to follow the formula that I put together, might I add.

[00:01:53 ] And so maybe on the podcast you can tell people that It worked? 

[00:01:57 ] Jason: It worked. 

[00:01:58 ] Sarah: And? Do you have anything else to say about that? 

[00:02:00 ] Jason: Anyone that knows Sarah knows what she wants to hear right now. You were right. There it is! There it is. There it is. That's what she wanted. There it is. 

[00:02:10 ] Sarah: So this year when I was putting together the schedule and the agenda, there was this whole plan that I had.

[00:02:17 ] And I was like, "Oh no, we need to order things like this and do things like this. And this is what I wanted." And he's like, " I don't know if that's going to work. And why are we doing this whole thing? And we're like putting this whole thing together. And like, you don't even know if it's going to work the way you want."

[00:02:30 ] Jason: Is this how I sound? 

[00:02:31 ] Sarah: Yes. 

[00:02:32 ] Jason: "I don't know if it's gonna work." 

[00:02:34 ] Sarah: "I don't know if it's gonna work." 

[00:02:36 ] Jason: That's totally what I sound like. 

[00:02:38 ] Sarah: It was perfect. 

[00:02:39 ] Jason: I'm shaking my head no, by the way, for the listeners. 

[00:02:41 ] Sarah: See you probably, they probably didn't even know that was me talking. They just thought it was you. 

[00:02:45 ] Jason: Oh, yeah.

[00:02:46 ] You do such a good impersonation of me. I know. It's really quite impressive. I'll go back to my normal voice so that you realize it's Sarah talking. Yeah, for the listeners, we need to make sure there's two distinct voices or they're going to be really confused why I'm talking to myself because you sound so much like me.

[00:03:03 ] Sarah: I know. I'm so sorry if I confused anyone. 

[00:03:06 ] Jason: Nobody was confused. Okay. So... 

[00:03:08 ] Sarah: so he was giving me a little bit of a hard time about it because I, like, made him sit down and map this out and I was like, "no, there's a formula that we're supposed to follow and this is what I want it to look like." And I think it worked out really well.

[00:03:21 ] Jason: Yeah, the event went really well. 

[00:03:23 ] Sarah: Yeah. 

[00:03:24 ] Jason: Things ran pretty much like clockwork. That's hard. It's hard to do that in events. Like speakers go over, people don't stop. Like, we had this big, huge red LED clock right in front of the speaker. So it was like super obvious, like, and we, I think we had conversations with all the speakers, like everything worked pretty smoothly.

[00:03:43 ] The general feedback I got from a lot of clients one of our clients, Ed Golding, came up to me and he was just smiling. He'd been to some previous ones and he said, "this was different, you know, what was different about this?" I said, "what, Ed? " He said, "heart, this one had heart."

[00:03:56 ] And it was an emotional event. There was lot more emotion at this event. Did we talk about tactics? Yes. I explained how I've been able to leverage social media and different tools and, I've made millions of dollars off social media. And I shared some really cool tools and very tactical stuff.

[00:04:12 ] That's how I opened up the event. But we got into a lot of mindset and what we've realized over time, that we talked about at the event that most of our clients are not winning or losing because they don't, or do have tactics. Tactics and the how can always be figured out. And I liked Jeff Garner's tattoo he talked about but.... 

[00:04:33 ] Sarah: he's funny. 

[00:04:33 ] Jason: He's like, " can I say it? There's children present." I had my kids at the event. 

[00:04:36 ] Sarah: They're my kids. Like they hear it all the time. 

[00:04:40 ] Jason: Yeah, so he's got a tattoo that's FTH Which stands for "fuck the how" so and so a lot of times people are so worried about "how do I do this? How do I do this?" And we do share tactics. We do a lot of that at DoorGrow. However, It's not really the tactics that are the problem. It's almost always the mindset. And so whenever I teach tactics. I always am going into the why behind it and the mindset stuff. And when they start to understand this stuff, then they will actually do it usually.

[00:05:13 ] So there was a lot of mindset at the event. And then also, there's vulnerability. Like I openly shared how I've been reevaluating my priorities and what those look like and how how that looks. You were sharing about your upbringing and how like the difficult things in life are also the things that make us who we are and help us to enable us to help others and how to view it through a different lens, which I thought was really awesome.

[00:05:39 ] And everybody's crying. Sarah's making everybody cry. Like I was crying, like... 

[00:05:44 ] Sarah: I made people cry in a very different way this time though. I'm usually making people cry because I'm yelling at them. 

[00:05:50 ] Jason: That's not true. 

[00:05:51 ] Sarah: It's a little true. It's a little true. 

[00:05:54 ] Jason: Not our clients, just me. 

[00:05:56 ] Sarah: No, I don't do, but I do give our clients tough love when they need it.

[00:05:59 ] And Kelly came to the event and she's like, "this is exactly what I needed." I'm like, "I know that's why I was on you for like three months."

[00:06:07 ] Jason: Yeah. I think some people had some breakthroughs, which that's the goal. Like we want to change lives. And so there's something just really beautiful about this DoorGrow Live.

[00:06:16 ] There was a lot of more depth to it and I just feel grateful to be able to be part of it and to see, our clients that believe in us and that, that came in just seeing their progress and, there are people there that have been i

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DGS 255: Coming Back From DoorGrow Live: The Ultimate Event for Property Managers

DGS 255: Coming Back From DoorGrow Live: The Ultimate Event for Property Managers