DiscoverLeaders Lead: An Entrepreneurs MindsetDancing with Jordan Wentz and Tony Taylor
Dancing with Jordan Wentz and Tony Taylor

Dancing with Jordan Wentz and Tony Taylor

Update: 2022-07-19


Meet Jordan Wentz. I interviewed Jordan back on Oct 21, 2021. This interview feels like it was conducted almost a lifetime ago.

Although we didn’t talk too much about business strategy or entrepreneurship, I gained so much more. This conversation touched my heart in so many ways!  I was able to discover the practice of healing through dancing. 

Honestly, I didn’t know dancing could be so beneficial. I was not a believer. One day someone I love very much was having a challenging day. I remembered this conversation with Jordan. I started dancing with her and let me tell you, I AM A BELIEVER!! We were instantly filled with joy! Dancing is so therapeutic!

My friend Jordan is doing something phenomenal. She is healing the world by dancing and spreading positivity through movement.

She is America’s Hype Woman, Jordan Wentz, help people get out of their way, unleash their confidence, and own their power through EPIC dance parties so they can make their dreams happen and live their free-est, most bada$$ lives!

Jordan Wentz is a professional dancer, fitness expert, movement therapy coach, and hype-woman who uses her 20 years of performance and mindset experience to help people ditch their self-limiting beliefs and find the confidence to live their free-rest most bada$$ lives - and she does it all through EPIC dance parties.

The internationally touring choreographer and film actress began coaching others on the tips and tricks that led to her successful career on stages across the world after overcoming debilitating low self-confidence, herself. She then founded MyMovementality, a platform for total health and wellness through movement, where she’s helped thousands transform their inhibitions to shine their brightest and live their fullest lives.

Jordan combines her passion for giving back with her movement and mindset coaching to help people gain the trust and belief in themselves they need to unleash their inner rockstar - giving them the tools they need to achieve all their dreams with unwavering authenticity. 

Jordan teaches around the world, turning dreamers into do-ers, and “I love myself”-ers. She has been featured on KROQ Radio and has worked with Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign, Reebok, and the IDEA Health and Fitness Association, helping people find fulfillment through movement and dance.

Jordan's content is fire! Follow her on social media.

IG @mymovementality

FB @mymovementality

TikTok @mymovementality

Youtube @mymovementality


In Channel








Sleep Timer


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Dancing with Jordan Wentz and Tony Taylor

Dancing with Jordan Wentz and Tony Taylor

Tony Taylor