DiscoverData Citizens DialoguesData at the helm of new waters
Data at the helm of new waters

Data at the helm of new waters

Update: 2024-03-13


Is data the Coast Guard’s compass to new horizons? This week, Toan Do, Area Vice President of Federal Sales at Collibra, invites Capt. Brian Erickson, Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer at the United States Coast Guard, to shed some light on the Coast Guard's transformative journey from traditional navigation to data-driven decision-making, illustrating how data is becoming the compass guiding the organization's mission and operations.

Amid the challenges of implementing data analytics and AI within the Coast Guard, Capt. Erickson has come to recognize the value of starting small, focusing on high-priority use cases, and fostering a data-literate workforce. His personal transition from a career aviator to leading the Coast Guard's first data office is a perfect parallel to the evolving role of data as a strategic asset in enhancing mission effectiveness. And as if that’s not already a shining example of leadership in data, Capt. Erickson is now preparing to pass on this newfound passion to his successor, setting the stage for a bright future of enthusiastically data-literate military personnel.

Three reasons you should listen to this episode:

  1. Unique perspective on data's role. Capt. Erickson’s journey from a career aviator to leading the Coast Guard's first data office highlights how data can be leveraged as a strategic asset in a multifaceted organization.
  2. Practical insights on data implementation.  When approaching the integration of data analytics and AI, starting with small initiatives and developing a workforce that is proficient in data literacy yields big results.
  3. Strategic approach to data management. Order and efficiency are clearly a necessity in data management, as is incremental growth and easy wins to build confidence.


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Data at the helm of new waters

Data at the helm of new waters
