Dave Alpert, CEO & Co-founder, Geopogo (Geopogo.com)
AlligatorZone®, where kids meet cool startups, presents a conversation with Dave Alpert, CEO & Co-founder, Geopogo, a 3D design software company which helps architects and builders display their designs in 3D with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Dave Alpert will present his startup at an AlligatorZone event-program to be held in Foster City, CA on Saturday, April 20, 2019. To take your kids, teens and family to the event, register at https://AlligatorZone.org/attend. This podcast is part of a new effort to help our young audiences, their family members and their educators gain a deeper understanding into the making of entrepreneurial leaders.
This podcast has been hosted by Vikram, as part of a workshop series by AlligatorZone Academy, to help kids understand how entrepreneurs think and act.
AlligatorZone is a social-impact initiative that aims to empower families and educators to help kids learn from entrepreneurs who are creating the future, so that the kids are prepared for careers that do not yet exist. Learn more at AlligatorZone.org.