David Walker - Will America Still Be A Superpower In 2040? - Cold Star Project S04E08
Past Comptroller General of the United States, professor at the US Naval Academy, former Defense Business Board appointee, and author David Walker returns to the Cold Star Project--and this time we're addressing the question of whether the United States will still be a superpower by 2040. David has authored the book America In 2040: Still A Superpower? A Pathway To Success. What's wrong with America's fiscal policy, how did we get here, and what can we do about it?
Host Jason Kanigan asks David Walker:
- An investigation of organizations in decline produced the book Exit, Voice and Loyalty by Albert Hirschman. Out of the three choices, Voice is your option… What made you believe writing a book was the best way of influencing others?
- Let’s hear your definition of “superpower”.
- What can we learn from past major powers about the problems of maintaining economic growth and military strength over decades?
- Specifically looking at the US now, what outcomes can we expect by 2040 if we don’t change our course? And your target?
- What in your opinion is today’s greatest economic and national security threat to America? How do we handle it?
- You educated me about the concept of “the tooth and the tail” in our last discussion… What needs to change in military investing (development, procurement, deployment) to ensure America remains a superpower over the next two decades?
- What budget controls and standards changes are necessary to achieve the level of results you want to see?
- Share your views on tax policy with us and how you envision these to to alter the long term outcome of the US economic situation.
Useful Links:
Get the book on Amazon (NOT an affiliate link): https://coldstarproject.com/americain2040
Previous interview with David Walker on cultural development in government operations: https://coldstarproject.com/yts04e02davidwalker
Disclaimer: We were not remunerated in any way by David Walker for discussing his book or any other topics.
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