DiscoverSendMe RadioDay 39 - Psalms 39 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 5 - Digital Ink
Day 39 - Psalms 39 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 5 - Digital Ink

Day 39 - Psalms 39 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 5 - Digital Ink

Update: 2024-10-07


Psalm 39 is a contemplative and deeply reflective psalm, attributed to David, that explores themes of the brevity of life, the futility of human striving, and the need for dependence on God. It is a prayer that expresses feelings of frustration, sorrow, and humility in the face of life’s fleeting nature. The psalmist wrestles with his mortality and turns to God for wisdom and relief from suffering.

1. A Resolve to Be Silent (Verses 1-3):

The psalm opens with David’s determination to guard his speech, especially in the presence of the wicked: “I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth with a muzzle.” This indicates his struggle to refrain from speaking out of frustration or anger, recognizing that his words could lead him to sin. David seems to feel a deep inner turmoil, but he chooses to stay silent, even though this silence only intensifies his distress: “My heart became hot within me. As I mused, the fire burned.”

This inner conflict reveals David’s desire to remain righteous in his suffering, but the pressure to speak out eventually overwhelms him, leading him to express his thoughts and feelings to God.

2. The Brevity of Life (Verses 4-6):

David’s plea shifts from a struggle to remain silent to an acknowledgment of life’s transience: “O Lord, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!” He asks God to help him understand how short his life truly is. This request reflects a desire for perspective—to recognize the limited nature of human existence and not be consumed by earthly concerns.

David goes on to describe the brevity and futility of human life: “Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath!” He emphasizes that human efforts and achievements are ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things, as life passes quickly and people “heap up wealth and do not know who will gather.” This reflects the vanity of human ambition, reminding readers that material possessions and earthly pursuits have no lasting significance.

3. A Cry for Hope and Deliverance (Verses 7-11):

After reflecting on the fleeting nature of life, David turns to God in hope: “And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.” This verse marks a shift in tone, from despair over the brevity of life to a humble reliance on God. David recognizes that, despite the uncertainties of life, God is his only source of hope and security.

He pleads with God for deliverance from his sins and the consequences of his actions: “Deliver me from all my transgressions. Do not make me the scorn of the fool!” David acknowledges that his suffering may be the result of God’s discipline: “When you discipline a man with rebukes for sin, you consume like a moth what is dear to him.” He understands that God’s correction, though painful, is just. Yet, he still asks for relief from his suffering and the heavy burden he feels.

4. A Final Plea for Mercy (Verses 12-13):

The psalm concludes with David’s heartfelt plea for God’s attention and mercy: “Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry; hold not your peace at my tears!” David portrays himself as a “sojourner” and “guest,” emphasizing that his time on earth is temporary. This imagery underscores his vulnerability and his reliance on God during his fleeting life.

In the final verse, David asks God to “look away from me, that I may smile again, before I depart and am no more.” This plea for relief suggests that David is feeling overwhelmed by his circumstances and seeks a reprieve before his life comes to an end. The psalm ends with a sense of unresolved tension, leaving the reader with the impression of David’s ongoing struggle with the human condition and his dependence on God for peace.

Key Themes:

1.The Brevity and Fragility of Life: One of the central themes of Psalm 39 is the short and fragile nature of human life. David reflects on how fleeting and insubstantial human existence is, comparing it to a breath or a shadow. This theme is a reminder of the need to live with a sense of humility and awareness of life’s impermanence.
2.The Futility of Human Striving: David expresses the futility of earthly pursuits, such as wealth and ambition, recognizing that these things cannot bring lasting satisfaction or meaning. Life’s brevity makes worldly achievements seem vain and temporary.
3.Hope in God Amid Suffering: Despite his despair, David ultimately places his hope in God. He understands that, while life may be short and full of suffering, God is the source of deliverance and peace. This theme of trust in God’s provision and mercy runs throughout the psalm.
4.The Pain of Divine Discipline: David acknowledges that his suffering may be the result of God’s discipline for his sins. He accepts that God’s correction is part of the human experience, yet he still pleads for mercy and relief.


Psalm 39 is a deeply reflective prayer that wrestles with the reality of life’s brevity and the seeming futility of human striving. David’s words capture a profound sense of vulnerability, as he grapples with the fleeting nature of existence and the weight of his own mortality. Yet, amid his struggle, David places his hope in God, recognizing that only God can provide lasting comfort and deliverance. The psalm ultimately calls readers to a place of humility, trust in God, and an awareness of the limitations of life on earth.

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Day 39 - Psalms 39 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 5 - Digital Ink

Day 39 - Psalms 39 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 5 - Digital Ink

Melanie Okorie