DiscoverSendMe RadioDay 70 - Psalms 70 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie
Day 70 - Psalms 70 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Day 70 - Psalms 70 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Update: 2024-09-14


Psalm 70 is a brief but urgent prayer for help, attributed to David. It is often seen as a plea for God to come quickly to deliver the psalmist from distress and enemies. This psalm expresses a deep sense of dependence on God’s timely intervention, while also offering praise to God’s name.

Key Themes of Psalm 70:

1.Urgent Plea for Deliverance (Verses 1-2): The psalm begins with a direct and urgent call for help: “Hasten, O God, to save me; come quickly, Lord, to help me.” The psalmist is in a situation of immediate danger or distress, and he asks God to act swiftly. This tone of urgency reflects a pressing need for divine intervention in the face of his enemies.
2.Defeat of Enemies (Verse 3): The psalmist prays for the shame and confusion of those who seek to harm him. He desires that those who wish him ill will be turned back in disgrace. This reflects a trust that God will bring justice to those who plot against the righteous.
3.Rejoicing of the Righteous (Verse 4): In contrast to his enemies, the psalmist prays that those who seek God will rejoice and be glad in Him, proclaiming, “Let God be exalted!” This verse highlights that God’s deliverance leads to joy and praise among the faithful.
4.Continued Need for Help (Verse 5): The psalmist closes the psalm by once again acknowledging his vulnerable state: “But as for me, I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God.” The repetition of the plea for speed emphasizes the desperation of his situation. The psalm ends with a reaffirmation of God as the psalmist’s helper and deliverer.

Significance of Psalm 70:

•Urgency in Prayer: Psalm 70 shows that it is appropriate to come to God with urgency in times of distress. It teaches that believers can cry out to God with a sense of immediacy when they are in need, trusting that He hears and responds.
•Justice Against the Wicked: The psalm reflects a theme often found in the Psalms—the confidence that God will bring justice to those who do wrong and protect His faithful followers from harm.
•Faith in God’s Deliverance: Even in a moment of fear and distress, the psalmist does not lose sight of God’s power to save. His plea is rooted in his understanding of God as the ultimate deliverer.


Psalm 70 is often used as a prayer for those in need of immediate help or facing difficult challenges. It encourages believers to turn to God in times of crisis, trusting that He will act. It also serves as a reminder that in every situation, even one of desperation, God is the source of salvation and strength.

This psalm’s brevity and urgency make it accessible for personal prayers, especially in moments when words may be few but the need for God’s intervention is great.

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Day 70 - Psalms 70 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Day 70 - Psalms 70 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Melanie Okorie