Debrief - Episode 2: Consent After Montgomery
Debrief aims to analyse recent important developments in clinical negligence and healthcare law. It is intended for lawyers and non-lawyers alike.
In Episode One we discussed the recent Supreme Court decision in Darnley v Croydon Healthcare.
In Episode Two we look at judicial decisions on consent to treatment in the aftermath of the landmark Supreme Court decision in Montgomery v Lanarkshire. How has the law on consent to treatment moved on since Montgomery? What risks should a healthcare professional discuss with a patient in order to obtain their informed consent to treatment? What alternatives to any proposed treatment should they raise with the patient? When and in what circumstances should these discussions take place?
Nigel Poole QC, Helen Mulholland and Richard Borrett will be discussing the cases of Webster v Burton, Duce v Worcester Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, and Thefaut v Johnston, amongst others, and considering the practical implications of this developing area of clinical negligence for both doctors and patients.