Democracy In... Lebanon. Part 2. (S2E6)
In Part 2 we talk 'Christian washing,' and irregularities at the polls that go as far as violent intimidation of voters and destroying ballots. Additionally, in contrast to discussions of gender in other countries featured on this podcast Toufic Sarieddine describes how a kind of "cheeky bad boy" machoism might actually increase tolerance of corruption.
This is the second of two episodes on Lebanon. If you haven't heard the first half yet, you may want to go back and listen to that first!
CONTENT WARNING: This and the following episode contain explicit criticism of Israel, of US/European colonialism, and of Hezbollah, and the conversation is often light hearted. If you are feeling sensitive to content of this kind at the moment, or believe you may find this difficult to hear, it might be a good idea to skip these episodes.
What Democracy Looks Like In... is a podcast where ordinary voters explain how democracy works in their countries. In each episode an emigrant voter and a voter currently on the ground describe their lived experiences of democracy, of voting, and of trust versus corruption in their home country.
Find out more about the topics discussed in this episode and the series as a whole at!