Diana Hall: A Great Adventure with Virginia Satir
Diana Hall went to UC Berkeley and graduated with a B.A. in psychology. Her early career was as a special education teacher. During her many years serving children who were on the spectrum she earned five different credentials in her field and experienced much success engaging her students with experiential interventions.
When she met Virginia Satir, she was inspired to go to grad school and later earned a master's degree in counseling.
Diana became a licensed marriage and family therapist applying the Satir Model to help high conflict couples and their children. She became well-known and was invited to present at conferences in relation to her work with domestic violence and couple therapy.
While Diana’s relationship to Virginia Satir began as a student, apprentice, and employee of Virginia Satir, Diana Hall reports that it was a great blessing in her life to have become a close friend, confidant, and a dear companion.
Diana Hall was named the Satir Global Network Living Treasure in 2016.
It is with great joy I welcome Diana Hall as our guest for today’s episode