DiscoverTech Stories from HackerNoonDid You Say $500,000 For A Virtual Plot Of Land?
Did You Say $500,000 For A Virtual Plot Of Land?

Did You Say $500,000 For A Virtual Plot Of Land?

Update: 2021-05-28


Catch up with the Hacker Noon Editors This Week on Planet Internet — Amy Tom, Limarc Ambalina, and Natasha Nel are wrapping their head's around a delicious piece of news in the NFT world. A plot of land on the Decentraland platform was sold for $572,000 😱

  • Will China's Digital Yuan enable more money laundering, or will it have the opposite effect as China's CBDC intends? 💰 (00:45 )

  • More vaccine dram 💉 French influencers were offered €2,000 to claim that Pfizer is causing more deaths than AstraZeneca. We're scared for the world 😅 (05:28 )

  • Amy's research process for getting her COVID-19 vaccine was... admittedly less than thorough 😳 (07:03 )

  • Over in Norway, Tesla's under some fire for a software update that reduced battery capacities and charging speeds... oh, btw they didn't even reply to the lawsuit. Okay, Elon 🙄 (10:43 )

  • Okayyyyy, so what's the deal here? Is Europe just a lot better at regulating/punishing big tech than America is? Or is there something that Natasha is missing here? 🤔 (11:32 )

  • So.. you're telling me that a piece of virtual real-estate sold for over $500,000 USD?! 🤯 (15:52 )

  • Limarc helps Natasha and Amy cross The Bridge of Understanding (cue magical chime sounds) into the virtual world 🌈 but like... for real... why would I pay half a million for a plot of virtual land? (18:09 )

  • Oh, and Natasha has strong feelings about Eurovision. She refuses to watch the Will Farrell Eurovision movie because "it's not okay" 😂 (21:04 )

Read the tech stories talked about in this podcast:

  1. Norway fines Tesla for reducing battery capacities and charging speeds by Steve Dent

  2. The Digital Yuan is China’s Biggest Pushback Against Global AML Initiatives on Hacker Noon by @hughharsono (

  3. French influencers offered €2,000 to claim Pfizer vaccine is dangerous (

  4. Virtual real-estate can be worth upwards of $500,000, according to this Hacker Noon article by Dan Khomenko (










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Did You Say $500,000 For A Virtual Plot Of Land?

Did You Say $500,000 For A Virtual Plot Of Land?

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