DiscoverThe Sensitive CEO ShowDiscovering your Purpose as an HSP with Willow McIntosh
Discovering your Purpose as an HSP with Willow McIntosh

Discovering your Purpose as an HSP with Willow McIntosh

Update: 2023-06-25


As HSPs we have an advantage when it comes to discovering our purpose. Our ability to process the world at a deeper level allows us particular abilities. These abilities are intended and why the trait naturally occurs in 20% of the population.

The way in which we each process the world from a sensory point of view is unique to each of us, yet it is happening for a reason. A reason that is linked to areas of life we each care deeply about.

By exploring what matters to us most and considering how we have had particular callings since we were children, helps us to see how our sensory perception is actually designed to serves them. It is through this inquiry that we can begin to reveal innate areas of competence and how we can serve the world in a way that is deeply fulfilling. This in turn is how we can each find our area of interest and how this begins to reveal our purpose.

In this episode with Willow McIntosh, we discuss all of this and more.

Willow McIntosh is the founder of Inluminance and creator of the High Sensory Coaching Program. Unique circumstances during Willow’s childhood lead to the burying of his authentic self and complete misalignment to the work he was destined for. He began to carve his own path into understanding how people with sensory processing sensitivity can learn to use their genetic traits to their advantage. As an adult this lead to a lifelong enquiry and practise into learning powerful energetic alignment techniques to re-engage with the authentic self.

Willow believes that all people with the trait have the ability to tap into a unique skill that draws on a deeper sensory perception. Founded in their own life experience and self development they have the capacity to facilitate great transformation and development in others. Willow is on a mission to awaken us to the responsibility we have to utilise the abilities it affords in business, governments and leadership.

Having successfully facilitated the development of seven figure businesses Willow’s practise has taken him all over the world. Speaking internationally, training in a broad range of fields and facilitating others for more than twenty years. Willow now specialises in facilitating people with the trait to activate them into service in alignment with their gifts and purpose as highly skilled coaches, facilitators, consultants and healers.

💝 Key Takeaways

  • How being an HSP give us an advantage when it comes to discovering our purpose.
  • Examples of the unique abilities that we as HSPs possess, that can help us in this process.
  • As HSPs we often have callings from childhood that are linked to our purpose. Willow shares how someone might identify these callings in their own life.
  • If you are still searching for your purpose, discover how you can begin to take steps towards finding it.
  • Challenges that HSPs in particular can face when it comes to discovering our purpose, and how can we overcome them.
  • How HSPs can use our unique perspective to make a positive impact in the world.

🔗 Where You Can Find Willow

Click here to find out more about Training to become a High Sensory Coach.
If you scroll to the bottom of the page you can book an obligation free, discovery call with Willow

🌹 Rose's Resources

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Discovering your Purpose as an HSP with Willow McIntosh

Discovering your Purpose as an HSP with Willow McIntosh

Rose Cox