Diversity and Inclusion in 2022 w. Helene Aagaard & Louise Hove Tang-Jensen
The time is up for the suited, grey-haired, white men. Clustering together in the board room, grinning at each other, while you instantly picture their sweaty lips sucking on a fat smoky cigar. Or ... is their time truly over? And does it have to be if we just include more diverse people on the board?
For the last 60 years, our workplaces have undergone a tremendous transformation. And today, women, people of color, and the LGBT+ community have entered powerful positions in companies and organizations all over the world. But … still many from these groups fought harder to get to these positions because some work cultures still dictate norms from the 1950s. We saw with the global #MeToo-movement, that women will not accept and tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace anymore. But this movement has only just begun and has met major pushback from people saying: Why are you such a party-pooper? And why can’t we just go back to the way things used to be? Furthermore, racism and intolerance to minorities are hard to kill completely due to, for example, cultural biases and prejudices. So, are people truly stepping up to create more inclusive workplaces? And does the perfect workplace exist that can embrace each and every trait that makes us unique individuals?
GUESTS: Helene Aagaard, CEO at Diversity Factor & Louise Hove Tang-Jensen, Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion at LEO Pharma
Host: Sidsel Kaae Nørgaard
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