DiscoverThe Called PodcastDo Love & Business Mix?
Do Love & Business Mix?

Do Love & Business Mix?

Update: 2024-02-121


Called Family! As Valentine's Day approaches, I wanted to explore an age-old question - Do Love and Business Mix? This week, we'll rewind back to last year's Called Conference where I sat down with my bride, my best friend, and my business partner Sarah Jakes Roberts, as we discussed the dance of doing business with your partner.

We'll talk about our experience balancing our personalities, respecting our business boundaries, and supporting each other to succeed in partnership. Regardless of whether you're in a romantic partnership or otherwise, as you apply these principles you will begin to see a significant impact on the success of your organization or business.

Speaking of succeeding in your business, the Called to Illuminate experience is approaching quickly - have you registered yet? I hope you will join me in Los Angeles on May 17th & 18th. Be sure to register today while early-bird pricing is still available. Go to to secure your spot. And if you've enjoyed The Called Podcast - don’t forget to share, rate, and review. Subscribe now to never miss an episode, and remember, you're not random, you're Called! Learn more at









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Do Love & Business Mix?

Do Love & Business Mix?

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