DiscoverDopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug AddictionDopey 492: Facing Death 21 Years Sober - R.I.P Tim Kelly. Recovery, Cancer, Grateful Dead, LSD, Kratom
Dopey 492: Facing Death 21 Years Sober - R.I.P Tim Kelly. Recovery, Cancer, Grateful Dead, LSD, Kratom

Dopey 492: Facing Death 21 Years Sober - R.I.P Tim Kelly. Recovery, Cancer, Grateful Dead, LSD, Kratom

Update: 2024-08-231


This week on Dopey - we had a very special opportunity to spend some time with Tim Kelly - a super inspirational alcoholic/drug addict in recovery. Tim and I did this talk 3 weeks ago - he was basically on his death bed. Last Friday morning Tim finally succumbed to his cancer and died. This episode allows Tim to tell his story of what its like to face death sober. It was humbling and powerful and I was extremely grateful to be able to do it. PLUS John 'Sugar Bear' Bukaty got to travel to 'Tim Fest' where a bunch of Tim's friends - and legendary musicians like Anders Osborne, Ivan Neville, Jason Ricci and Alex Orbison went to see them play. John also got to talk to some of them as well as his friends! All that plus some Dopey emails and more on this heart wrenching new episode of that good ol Dopey Show!
While he was episode of Dopey is dedicated to Tim Kelly, a man with 21 years of recovery who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Tim's friends organized Tim Fest, a concert event to celebrate his life. The episode features interviews with Tim and his friends, including musicians like Anders Osborne and Jason Ricci. Tim shares his journey of addiction, recovery, and his love for the Grateful Dead. The episode also includes stories from Dopey listeners and sponsors promoting addiction recovery centers. Tim shares his experiences of attending Grateful Dead shows and his struggles with alcoholism. He talks about his journey of finding spirituality through the 12-step program and the importance of willingness and vulnerability. Tim also discusses his current battle with cancer and his perspective on life and death. This conversation covers Tim Kelly's battle with cancer, his journey in recovery, and the impact he had on others. The themes include spirituality, family dynamics, addiction, sobriety, and acceptance. The conversation highlights the importance of support systems, the challenges of addiction and recovery, and the power of love and connection. The takeaways include the significance of living a meaningful life, the importance of being present, and the impact of Tim's legacy. The titles could be 'Finding Meaning in the Face of Adversity', 'The Power of Love and Connection', and 'Embracing Life's Challenges with Courage and Resilience'.
keywordsTim Kelly, addiction, recovery, cancer, Tim Fest, Grateful Dead, music, Dopey listeners, sponsors, Grateful Dead, alcoholism, spirituality, 12-step program, cancer, life, death, Tim Kelly, cancer, recovery, spirituality, addiction, sobriety, family dynamics, support systems, love, connection
  • Tim Kelly, a man with 21 years of recovery, was diagnosed with terminal cancer

  • Tim Fest was organized to celebrate Tim's life and featured interviews with Tim and his friends

  • Tim shares his journey of addiction, recovery, and his love for the Grateful Dead

  • The episode includes stories from Dopey listeners and sponsors promoting addiction recovery centers The Grateful Dead played a significant role in Tim's life, and he attended numerous shows throughout the years.

  • Tim struggled with alcoholism and found solace and support in the 12-step program.

  • He emphasizes the importance of willingness and vulnerability in finding spirituality.

  • Tim is currently battling cancer and has a positive outlook on life and death. Living a meaningful life in the face of adversity

  • The importance of being present and embracing life's challenges

  • The power of love and connection in recovery

  • The impact of Tim Kelly's legacy

  • From Addiction to Recovery: Tim's Journey

  • Stories of Hope and Healing from Dopey Listeners The Grateful Dead and the Impact on Tim's Life

  • Embracing Life and Death in the Face of Cancer The Power of Love and Connection

  • Finding Meaning in the Face of Adversity

Sound Bites
  • "Welcome to the show. Well, thank you for having me."

  • "I always say that AA, the Grateful Dead, and yoga have influenced my life."

  • "When I was at the top of Alpine Valley, I had arrived."

  • "John Belushi, I see the light."

  • "Violent Thumbs are opening up."

  • "People started coming around to me to get things done."

  • "And that's why I was so bummed. You know, obviously it was God's fucking tropical storm or whatever that, but I was so bummed because I, I never, don't say never. rarely go."

  • "Phenomenal man. Agreed. I want to talk more about, I want to talk about your son. Okay. Like when your son was at his worst, does he go straight to you? In two ways, in violent ways, and then when he's in remorse for help."

  • "But a wrestling altercation, you it's not punches, it's more wrestling. And he hates me. He hates me because he hates my recovery. He knows since then and he's made his amends to me. He says it was, I knew that's where I was going to be and you were cheating me."

00:00 Introduction and Sponsor Promotion
02:22 Reflecting on Loss and Life
03:20 Life's Challenges and Gravitas
04:14 Impactful Stories from Dopey Listeners
06:06 Humorous and Disgusting Stories
10:19 Encouraging Listener Stories
11:13 Sponsor Promotion and Introduction to Tim Kelly
12:41 Tim Kelly's Journey and Tim Fest
14:07 The Last Recording of Tim Kelly
15:06 Interview with John Bucati at Tim Fest
20:16 Interview with Tim Kelly
41:00 The Influence of the Grateful Dead and Yoga
45:52 Falling in Love with the Grateful Dead
46:51 Conclusion and Sponsor Promotion
48:19 Struggles with Alcoholism
56:02 Finding Spirituality through the 12-Step Program
01:19:43 Love and Relationships in Recovery
01:28:32 Embracing Life and Death
01:33:17 Embracing Unexpected Opportunities
01:34:44 Family Dynamics and Addiction
01:36:41 Navigating Recovery and Rebuilding Relationships
01:39:07 Acceptance and Finding Support
01:42:03 Spirituality and Facing Mortality
01:45:26 Managing Pain and Medication in Recovery
01:48:49 Living a Meaningful Life in the Face of Adversity
01:52:44 Reflecting on Life's Challenges and Legacy
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Dopey 492: Facing Death 21 Years Sober - R.I.P Tim Kelly. Recovery, Cancer, Grateful Dead, LSD, Kratom

Dopey 492: Facing Death 21 Years Sober - R.I.P Tim Kelly. Recovery, Cancer, Grateful Dead, LSD, Kratom

Dave & Chris