DiscoverWe Like ShootingDouble Tap 380 – One
Double Tap 380 – One

Double Tap 380 – One

Update: 2024-10-22


Double Tap Episode 380

This episode of Double Tap is brought to you by: Brownells, Black Rhino Concealment, Gideon Optics, Blue Alpha, Mitchell Defense, and Matador Arms


Welcome to Double Tap, episode 380! Your hosts tonight are Jeremy Pozderac, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch, and me Shawn Herrin, welcome to the show!


Dear WLS

DrScaryGuy - Dear WLS. I don't want to start a big ugly fight... but I'm gonna do it anyway because it's funny. I could understand ridiculously high prices on NFA transfers back when an FFL had to hold the inventory for a year or more. I didn't like it, but I could understand it. Now that NFA transfers are taking mere days, how in the world can FFLs justify charging $100 or more to do the transfers? It's only marginally more work to do the NFA transfer than it is to do a regular firearm transfer. Even if you have to pass on the cost of putting a suppresser into a system like SilencerShop, the prices seem like they are just exploitative of the customers. Are prices going to come down, or is this just the "they paid it before, they can pay it again" state of things?


Bernie B - Not sure this is a question (for gloves), but I’d like to know what Aaron has hanging on the wall behind him. Looks like some bayonets, maybe muzzleloaders? Give him 5 minutes on show sometime to talk about them. Thanks guys

Spenser F - What do you guys think of LWRC? I never really hear anything about them. Nothing good. Nothing bad. Basically just crickets about them.


Cloaca Souffle - Hello WLSI had an idea while unholstering my carry weapon after dismembering a future meal with a knife that had a pretty good grip and washing my hands in the river. What if you had a pistol frame made out of machined G10? Maybe for a p365 or p320. Would that work, is it dumb? idk. It'd probably cost 200 bucks but It sounds badass. What do you fuckers think? Shawn - keep em hanging dangerously. Savage - 2 Thumbs up brother.Jeremy - With all due respect- Cunt.Aaron - I've got something in my front pocket for you. Nick - Legend. Thanks WLS is LifeCloaca Souffle


Cliff R - Hello guys - I love your show and thanks for all you do. I love AR-15s (duh?- who don’t) and I also love the 22-250 REM cartridge. It’s always been a dream of mine to have an AR platform rifle chambered in 22-250. Does this exist? If not, why not? Thanks again - and keep the outstanding programming coming!


I don't think so, fed - Everybody always talks about their gear load-outs and Get Home Bags, but you're not going anywhere without good footwear. So the question is, If you have to walk to your destination(assuming normal summer/fall weather), what footwear and socks are you choosing?


Garrett G - Hey guys, I’ve recently acquired a Mitchell Defense “ Shorty DOC” with the quad rail chambered in 5.56. (Thanks for the discount) I had envisioned of building a CQB/MK18 Mod 1 clone with it. I’m looking for recommendations on attachments. If you guys were to build a CQB/MK18 what would your build list look like suppressor, sight, laser, foregrip, etc. Thanks! P.S. I was hoping to spend around $2k ish on everything else to complete the gun if that helps in the decision making!

Adam W - What is the cast's thoughts on the Apollo 11 from LFA? I know LFA has released some poor products in the past, but I am bi-curious about cheaper double-stack 1911s. P.S. Is LFA owned by PSA?










Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Double Tap 380 – One

Double Tap 380 – One
