DiscoverWe Like ShootingDouble Tap 386 – Citrus Party
Double Tap 386 – Citrus Party

Double Tap 386 – Citrus Party

Update: 2024-12-03


Double Tap Episode 386

This episode of Double Tap is brought to you by: Brownells, Black Rhino Concealment, Gideon Optics, Medical Gear Outfitters, XTech Tactical, and Mitchell Defense 


Welcome to Double Tap, episode 386! Your hosts tonight are Jeremy Pozderac, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch, and me Shawn Herrin, welcome to the show!


Dear WLS

Mitch B - I plan on getting Vers9s and want to make sure the shoulder on the barrel is 100% flat and even. How can I check it and if it’s not to my satisfaction what do I use to get it there? Thanks for the answer and you’re all cunts!!

Joe J - Greetings, not a question but I found Aaron’s number publicly listed and left him a voicemail. Why did you not respond? Are you all going to promote bowers group if Jeremy starts a company?

Combat Soup - Hey Guys, Nightvision. It’s a big financial hill to climb and it seems like a lot of money to tie up in something that will mostly sit there. As just an average guy, is it that necessary as a prep? Is it worth getting something like an opsin to be an intermediate step for use in a bad time? Any other thought? Thanks

Warrior of the Weekend - Good evening fuckers, What do you guys do for firearms insurance, if any? Do you put it on your homeowners insurance? I used to have mine under my home insurance but took them off years ago because I didn’t feel comfortable having all my guns and serial numbers on record with a company that might go woke and do something weird with that information. Not to mention situations where the government could force a corporation to divulge that information. Am I being a bitch (shut up Jeremy) or is this a legitimate concern? What do you guys do? Thanks.


Thomas L - Why is Jeremy such a likeable cunt?


Robert S - Picked up a couple of blem faxon threaded glock barrels for $80 a piece. Just wondering y’all’s thoughts on faxon Glock barrels. Jeremy’s only a cunt some of the time. P.S. I hope I win Krista’s swag bag! And I am enjoying the dangfree app!

Keith M - Hey y’all, My question is, after putting together a few “retro” AR’s I have a problem with the A1 rear sight of one. when sight in the rifle, it’s shooting far left and the sight is as far as it can go on adjustment. Help ,,,,,,, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. PS; FUCK Aaron


Lee T - Hey gang I eat too many snack foods and have worked a desk job for years, so a thought occurred to me when my chubby gut obstructed my view at the urinal the other day. With so many tiny pisstols out there, is there really still a place for snubbie revolvers? Aside from the amazing " jacket pocket" advice I frequently hear on the #1 gun podcast "GunTalk with Tom Gresham", why would i want to trade 10rounds of .380/9 in a semiauto for 5-6 .38/.357 in a fatter revolver? I've already learned that anybody who says revolvers never jam has not shot revolvers very much. I welcome your advice and offer thanks from the bottom of my very being. -

The winner of this week's swag pack is Robert S!

To win your own, go to and submit a question!


Gun Industry News

New AK-Based Submachine Gun Inspired by P90

A new Russian submachine gun, inspired by the FN P90, has been patented and is smaller than earlier models. It uses a sideways feeding magazine for 9x18 Makarov cartridges. The design includes features like a heavy bolt, downward ejection, and an AR-style trigger. It could be useful for urban operations. It's not clear if it will be made, but it has potential for law enforcement. The product is not currently available.









Sleep Timer


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Double Tap 386 – Citrus Party

Double Tap 386 – Citrus Party
