DtSR Episode 623 - SOC Metrics Suck
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TL;DR: Erik Bloch and Anton Chuvakin join James, Jim, and myself to talk about why security metrics in the SOC ....suck. It's an interesting predicament, and one I'm sure Anton has been ranting about since he first got his 486/DX2 66. Or maybe not. It's an interesting topic because if we're measuring crap, that means something. Or does it even matter?
Link to Erik's epic post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/erikbloch_tinkertribe-secops-soc-activity-7245132473355919360-5v_B?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aorganization_admin_admin_page_posts_published%3B8719005b-91f9-4fdd-9cbc-4c75b2b70b00
Does anyone read these show notes? Should I bother still writing them up?
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