E.32 - Youth Emergence through Permaculture Ethics, People Care, Earth Care and Fair Share with PermYouth Americas Facilitators
In this episode, we talk to Annette, Chanel and Allan the facilitators of PermaYouth Americas which is a container or platform for youth around the Americas to connect, learn from each other and empower themselves to be leaders and change-makers in their communities based on the Permaculture ethics of People care, Earth care and Fair share.
PermaYouth Americas is a subdivision of the global PermaYouth.
Annette, Chanel and Allan tell us about their journey that led them to this work. They also explain why they think the youth are so important in this journey of human transformation. The youth are the people that have the creativity to design a new way of human existence.
Annette, Chanel and Allan describe themselves as the composted organic matter or soil that creates the space for the youth to flower and a new ecosystem to emerge.