E135 - Christopher Durre - Facial Recognition & AI: Safeguarding Medication Safety in Healthcare
Muncie man found guilty of dealing a controlled substance resulting in death
Woman charged with forging prescriptions to buy controlled drugs
These are just two headlines regarding controlled drugs that have surfaced recently.
But there is hope!
And it comes in the form of AI analytics and facial recognition technology.
Meet Christopher Durre
Chris’s Role as a Technology Leader at StrongRoom AI
Christopher Durre serves as the Chief Technology Officer at StrongRoom AI, a leading provider of AI-driven controlled drugs management solutions. StrongRoom specialises in leveraging AI analytics and Facial Recognition technology to enhance medication safety and reduce adverse drug events in Pharmacy, Hospital, and Aged Care Facility settings.
Chris’s Other Work in Technology and AI
Before assuming the role of CTO at StrongRoom AI, Chris held the position of Chief Innovation Officer for six years. During this time, he actively contributed to the growth and development of the company. Additionally, Chris was a participant in the Melbourne Accelerator Program (MAP), a renowned university business accelerator ranked 8th globally. MAP aims to foster entrepreneurship in Australia and launch high-growth ventures on an international scale.
Chris graduated from Swinburne University of Technology in 2019 as a Bachelor of Computer Science, Data Science. Throughout his academic journey, he was recognized with a Dean's Outstanding Achievement Scholarship. Chris also worked on the development of an AI-driven timetabling system. Concurrently, he gained valuable industry experience as an Undergraduate Engineer at the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group.
Facial Recognition, Controlled Drugs, and AI
In this exclusive analytics podcast episode, Christopher shares:
Developing an AI driven timetabling system while taking his bachelor’s degree
How the experience with capstone projects stuck with him
His advice to students doing projects of a similar nature
Where the name StrongRoom comes from
Convincing a privacy-heavy sector like healthcare to use facial recognition in the early years
StrongRoom AI's role in managing controlled drugs
Other ways StrongRoom's controlled drug management platform contributes to improving medication safety
AI's role in remote patient monitoring and the increasing use of telehealth
Camera technology vs wearable devices in aged care
The best way to convince patients that their privacy is protected
A case study where the implementation of AI has made a significant impact in improving medication safety
The main barriers that healthcare organisations might face when adopting AI and advanced technologies
His advice for healthcare organisations or professionals looking to incorporate AI and technology
If you are a healthcare professional looking to incorporate AI and technology into your organisation, this is the episode you do not want to miss.