DiscoverWisdom In The Word Bible StudiesE192 Daniel: The 70 Weeks Of Daniel - Exact Timeline To Messiah And Disposition of Israel At The End Of The Age
E192 Daniel: The 70 Weeks Of Daniel - Exact Timeline To Messiah And Disposition of Israel At The End Of The Age

E192 Daniel: The 70 Weeks Of Daniel - Exact Timeline To Messiah And Disposition of Israel At The End Of The Age

Update: 2020-08-18


It is the end of the Babylonian captivity. The time for the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and the temple has come, just as God promised. Daniel is starting to see a future again for his people! His heart is to know and understand, and he pleads with God to act on behalf of His people to free them as soon a His will allows. God quickly responds by giving him an astoundingly accurate timeline in coded form, called the 70 weeks of years. 

One of the key prophecies of the Scriptures for determining the coming of Jesus Christ and the disposition of the Jews and the end of the Age, the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks is given to Daniel by an angel. This messenger informs him that seventy "sevens", or sets, or weeks of years have been decreed, and through this, gives him a detailed but cryptic timeline chronicling the end of the Babylonian captivity to the first coming, and the sacrifice of the promised Anointed One (Jesus Christ) in AD 33, to the end of the Age.

Join us as we review and parse this amazing timeline of how God brings an end to the captivity, and his people back to Jerusalem. And even more, how He maps out for Daniel - especially for us at the end of the Age - the main events that lead to the very year Messiah is sacrificed on the cross, the church age, and the completion of judgment and final redemption of Israel very soon to come.

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E192 Daniel: The 70 Weeks Of Daniel - Exact Timeline To Messiah And Disposition of Israel At The End Of The Age

E192 Daniel: The 70 Weeks Of Daniel - Exact Timeline To Messiah And Disposition of Israel At The End Of The Age

Michael Mendola