EP 095 Michael Ward, The Buckingham Palace Ghostwriter...for those who have a book in you.
Michael Ward
“The Buckingham Palace Ghostwriter”
Brief Bio
Although Irish, Michael Ward is a long-time resident of England. As a child, he was fascinated by the power of words to create compelling stories. For him, books were portals to other worlds. To him, writers were magicians.
A desire to find out ‘what makes people tick’ led to him becoming a psychologist and a management consultant, specialising in organisational change. His first book, ‘Why Your Corporate Culture Change Isn’t Working… And What to Do About It’ was born out of a burning desire to share what he’d learned. It sold in five countries.
His second book, ‘50 Essential Management Techniques’ sold in 29 countries and consolidated his reputation. Quite by chance, he discovered that well written books with great content give you authority in the marketplace – and lucrative contracts!
These days he helps guide other people through the book writing process. Well written books with great content have timeless appeal. And they can bring very considerable business benefits.
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