DiscoverThe Quantum Biology Collective PodcastEP 101: Light, Mitochondria and Emotions: Exploring the World of Sleep Architecture
EP 101: Light, Mitochondria and Emotions: Exploring the World of Sleep Architecture

EP 101: Light, Mitochondria and Emotions: Exploring the World of Sleep Architecture

Update: 2024-10-31


“Sleep architecture is the map of how your circadian system is working,” says Dr. Josh Rosenthal, dual board certified sleep and regenerative medicine specialist, who joins the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to discuss just how important sleep is to optimal function and the prevention of major diseases. And it's even more important than you might think. 


In his practice, Dr. Rosenthal began to encounter patients with more and more health concerns despite their labs being normal. The issue, he says, was sleep fragmentation, a lack of sustained, reparative sleep achieved in the proper order. Today, he explains what a good night’s sleep looks like and how broken sleep architecture leads to major chronic diseases.


He also discusses his own experimentation with light, including effortless weight loss from simply wearing blue blockers for an hour at night. Dr. Rosenthal also explains the emotion code at the heart of many diseases such as cancer and why supplements may actually be hastening your body's deterioration.


Join today's discussion to learn how you can build optimal sleep architecture in your own life and keep your body functioning optimally.


  • “Really, what I was seeing was, I think, we’d call ‘circadian disruption,’ and that sleep architecture is, in fact, the map of how your circadian system is working. So, if you get a sleep test and your doctor says, ‘Hey, you’re fine,’ and you look and and you see you have no deep sleep, you have no dream sleep, you have a very small amount or ranges of what that should be, that tells you that the mechanisms are not kicking in.” (8:19 | Josh Rosenthal, MD)

  • “Everything seems to be working until it doesn’t. If I had a nickel for every 40- or 50-year-old who said, ‘I was doing great, until…’... So, sleep is kind of that natural oil change. That’s how you can maintain the car of your brain and your body and your organs and all the different systems. So, getting this right is, in my opinion, absolutely paramount in any sort of healing modality.” (28:15 | Josh Rosenthal, MD)

  • “To me, this is the most powerful feed-forward mechanism for disease, and also, inversely, it’s going to be the most powerful feed-forward mechanism for healing because when you get this right, it’s going to benefit you every day. If you get this wrong, you’ll have a detriment every day.” (32:26 | Josh Rosenthal, MD) 



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EP 101: Light, Mitochondria and Emotions: Exploring the World of Sleep Architecture

EP 101: Light, Mitochondria and Emotions: Exploring the World of Sleep Architecture

The Quantum Biology Collective